Modernizing the build process of existing Java EE applications with Maven

Dave Mulley
7 min readApr 16, 2019


As part of modernizing existing traditional WebSphere applications to run on WebSphere Liberty and be deployed to IBM Cloud Private I often have to configure Maven to build the EAR file. While many new applications already use Maven or Gradle for the CI part of the CI/CD pipeline, many older applications are either built by hand or by using older technologies such as Ant.

Reorganize the project structure
I’ve settled on the following project structure when modernizing existing WebSphere applications (it is based on the example found here. There are folders for the Web Module (war), Java Module (jar) and the EAR file (ear). I’ve also added a Liberty folder that contains the deployment artifacts for Liberty (server.xml etc) which along with the manifests, Dockerfile and Jenkinsfile can be ignored at this point but are useful to plan for if your goal is to automate build and deployment with Jenkins and deploy to a Kubernetes based runtime.

Use the following steps to copy your source code in to the project.

1. Create the war folder as shown above.
2. Copy your source code in to the war/src/java folder (.java files only)
3. If you have any files other than .java in your source code that are currently packaged in the war/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes folder (often .properties files are packaged here) you’ll need to put them in the /war/src/resources folder and they will be copied in to the correct location during the build process.
4. Copy the contents of your current war/WebContent folder apart from the WEB-INF/classes folder to the /war/src/webapp folder. This often includes images and jsp files as well as the WEB-INF/web.xml file and any IBM descriptor files.
5. If your application has a Java Module, create the jar folder as shown above and copy your source code to the jar/src/java folder (.java files only). Again, if you have non-java files that you want to be copied to the generated .jar file, add them to the resources folder.

Create the Root POM file
Create a pom.xml file in the root of your project using the template below.

<?xml version=’1.0' encoding=’utf-8'?>
<project xmlns=”"
<!-- tag::packaging[] -->
<!-- end::packaging[] -->
<!-- tag::modules[] -->
<!-- end::modules[] -->

You will want to change the following values:

1. In the packaging section change the groupId and artifactId to reflect the application that you are building. Note that these values are used in the other pom.xml files that we will create later.

2. Update the modules section to reflect the modules included in your application. If you don’t have a Java Module remove the <module>jar</module> line.

Create the EAR POM file
Create a pom.xml file in the /ear folder of your project using the template below.

<?xml version=’1.0' encoding=’utf-8'?>
<project xmlns=”"
<!-- tag::packaging[] -->
<!-- end::packaging[] -->
<!-- tag::parent[] -->
<!-- end::parent[] -->
<!-- end::dependencies[] -->
<!-- tag::build[] -->
<!-- Set custom context root -->

You will want to change the following values:

1. In the packaging, parent, dependencies and build sections change the groupId and artifactId to reflect the application that you are building. Note that these values are used in the other `pom.xml` files that we will create later.

2. Update the dependencies and build section to reflect the modules included in your application. If you don’t have a Java Module remove the dependency with the jar type and the jarModule definition in the build section.

Create the WAR POM file
Create a pom.xml file in the /war folder of your project using the template below.

<?xml version=’1.0' encoding=’utf-8'?>
<project xmlns=”"
<!-- tag::packaging[] -->
<!-- end::packaging[] -->
<!-- tag::parent[] -->
<!-- end::parent[] -->


You will want to change the following values:

1. In the packaging and parent sections change the groupId and artifactId to reflect the application that you are building. Note that these values are used in the other pom.xml files that we will create later.

2. Update the dependencies section to include the Maven packages that are required to compile your application.

In the template above you will see that I am using the\liberty-target dependency which will compile the application using the JARs that are part of the Liberty runtime (the same as would be available in Eclipse when the Target Runtime is set to Liberty). In this case the dependency is set to scope=provided which means that Maven will use it during compilation but not package it in the WAR file.

I’ve also included a couple of other dependencies such as org.apache.cxf\cxf-core and org.springframework\spring-jms without a `scope` value which means they’ll be using during compilation and also be packaged in the WAR file.

If you have dependencies that aren’t available in the public Maven repo (such as home-grown utility JARs or very old utility JARs) then you may have to load them to your Maven environment manually. See the adding JARs to the MAVEN repo section below for more information.

Create the Java Module POM file
If your application has a Java Module, create a pom.xml file in the /jar folder of your project using the template below.

<?xml version=’1.0' encoding=’utf-8'?>
<project xmlns=”" xmlns:xsi=”" xsi:schemaLocation=”">
<!-- tag::packaging[] -->
<!-- end::packaging[] -->
<!-- tag::parent[] -->
<!-- end::parent[] -->

You will want to change the following values:

1. In the packaging and parent sections change the groupId and artifactId to reflect the application that you are building. Note that these values are used in the other pom.xml files that we will create later.

2. Update the dependencies section to include the Maven packages that are required to compile your application. The same scope rules apply as in the WAR section

Adding JARs to the MAVEN repo
While the public MAVEN repo holds versions of most of the open source Java libraries, it won’t hold custom home-grown utility JARs and often doesn’t hold older third-party JARs. During the application modernization process I don’t always have time to locate the source code for custom home-grown utility JARs and automate the build process for them, so I’ll just load a version of the compiled JAR in to the local MAVEN repo. The same goes for the older third-party JARs. In order to load a JAR in to the local MAVEN repo, I use the following steps.

1. In a directory containing the JAR to be loaded, issue the following command

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=myjar.jar -DartifactId=myjar -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

2. I can then reference the JAR as a dependency in my pom.xml


NOTE: This is an acceptable short cut for an initial application modernization, however, in the long term it is desirable for an organization to setup their own internal MAVEN repo using a tool such as JFrog Artifactory and to automate the build of all of their source code.

Building your application
You are likely to require an iterative process in order to build your application as it is easy to miss dependencies required for compilation, but the goal is to use Maven to build a working EAR file.

I often start with building the WAR file first before moving on to the JAR (if I have one) and then the EAR.

1. At a command prompt, navigate to the war folder and issue the command mvn clean install

2. The result should be a BUILD SUCCESS message and a WAR file in the war/target/ folder. I typically open/unzip the WAR and verify that the classes are present along with the WebContent folder and the expected utility JARS are in the WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder.

If you received a BUILD FAILED message, review the logs to determine the error. It is typically a missing dependency that is preventing the classes from being compiled.

3. Once the WAR file has been built, move on to the full build. Navigate to the root of your project and issue the command mvn clean install

4. Maven will now build the WAR, JAR (if you have one) and then the EAR file. The result should be a BUILD SUCCESS message and a EAR file in the ear/target/ folder.

What next?
Now that the application can be built using Maven, I typically store the project code in GitHub/GitLab and automate the build and deployment using Jenkins.



Dave Mulley
Dave Mulley

Written by Dave Mulley

Application Modernization Specialist at IBM focused on Private Cloud. All Stories are MY Personal thoughts, and NOT my Employer

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